Looking Back…my best courses at UCF

Well, my final semester is fast approaching at UCF…amazing how fast that went.  Filling out the intent to graduate was an interesting tidbit, it really makes you think about what you learned!  I thought it would be a neat blog post to link to when some friends who are up and coming at UCF ask me “Which courses should I take!?!?”.

Computer Science 2 (COP3502) – I won’t even lie, I struggled in this one.  If you’re not a Computer Science student, stay away!  The course is currently being taught by Ben Douglas, and focuses on algorithm analysis.  The course starts off really easy, and after the first exam it gets incredibly hard.  The course is designed with a recitation, and I really think that most people who fail it, do not attend.  Ben is one of the most knowledgeable professors I’ve had at UCF, but sometimes that comes at the expense of him talking over your head in class.  If this happens, be sure to have the TA go over it in recitation, as topics build on each other, and the tests are near impossible to guess on.  Topics in the course include backtracking, sorting algorithms, brute force, object oriented programming, graphs, and many more.  All tests and assignments are Java based.  Tests are closed notes & closed book.  The course does not have a set grading scale, the final grades are determined by the overall class average after the final exam.

Digital Investigative Technologies (CET4885) – (Click for syllabus) This course isn’t terribly difficult due to the fact that Dr. Philip Craiger has really taken his time to produce a very thorough selection of course materials (no book required), but it does take a lot of your time to complete the projects.  The course begins by teaching you how to take a digital clone of a hard drive to avoid messing up the “evidence”, and explains data collection methods to ensure that your investigation will hold up in court.  After that, the course will teach you how to modify the access dates of files and recover deleted files in Linux by hand using only tools freely available online. Once you understand how these tools work, the course then introduces a few professional tools that you will need in order to complete the final project.  One of the most hands on courses in the UCF Information Technology curriculum, I recommend this course to any student.  One final word of advice…do not ask a question answered in materials already given to you, and don’t ask something that’s easy to find out with a Google search.  Dr. Craiger really forces students to seek out answers on their own as a first option just like you will have to in the real world when you get a job.  He’s not someone who got a PhD and never had a real job outside of teaching, so his methods are different than professors you might have had before.

Database Concepts (CGS2545) – Database Concepts is taught by Robert Koeneke, but the most useful portion of the course (the lab) has projects and slides developed by Dr. Mark Llewellyn.  The slides teach you all of the basics on creating a Microsoft Access database, starting from modifying existing databases, creating queries, reports, new tables, and eventually developing your own database.  The step by step instructions are great, and the pace is very good as well.  A final project in the course is worth a large portion of your grade.  This course is very hands on as well, and after completing it, I feel that I have the knowledge to create a database for anything that I currently have a need for.  My only complaint is that the course spends a bit too much time on database planning, and too little time focusing on combined/advanced queries, as these felt very rushed to get in before the final exam.

Jailbreaking my iPhone

So I finally took the time to research how to jailbreak my iPhone a few weeks back, and I thought that I would make a post on some of the cool apps that you can get from a jailbroken iPhone that you can’t get from the apple store.  Mine was jailbroke using tools found here.

Cydia is the “hacked iPhone’s” replacement to the app store.  While the app store remains fully functional, Cydia allows users to search far more apps, as you bypass the fees that Apple charges to let programmers sell their software within Apple’s app store, and also allows you to get blocked apps, suck as GV Voice, which I’ll discuss later.

Cydia iPhone App

This is perhaps the most useful app that I’ve found.  You simply swipe your finger across the top of your iPhone’s display and it lists several frequently accessed settings that you can flip on/off with a single touch, much easier than going through a series of settings menu.  Most helpful is the ability to turn off 3g when I’m on campus, since we have Wifi, no need to waste the battery.
SB Settings iPhone App

GV Mobile
GV Mobile enables you to use your Google Voice account to text message free, as well as place calls.  The nice part about this, is that it prevents people from seeing your real phone number.  This is helpful to those of us who have 2 or more phone numbers, as limiting everyone to only your Google Voice number empowers you to switch which phone all calls go to, screen calls, receive SMS via the internet, as well as block certain numbers at certain times of day.

GV Mobile iPhone App