Peacock Springs – Watersource Tunnel

Today Stacey and I went to the Watersource tunnel in Peacock Springs since it was just recently reopened due to flooding.  I had assumed that this would provide clear water, however I didn’t think about the fact that this tunnel is almost always nasty, and was even worse after the flooding!

Breathing Gas– 32% Backgas
Max Depth
Avg Depth
Visibility– 20ft Peanut Tunnel, 40ft Watersource tunnel
Water Temp– 68F
Dive Time: 71min

Devils – Sweet Surprise

Breathing Gas– 32% Backgas / 100% Deco
Max Depth– 104ft
Avg Depth– 85ft
Visibility– 75ft
Water Temp– 72F
Dive Time: 72min

Met up with Stacey at Cave Excursions East to get fills and then headed off to Ginnie to do a quick dive before the super bowl.  Our original plan was to hit mainland, but another team was already in there, so we cut it back a bit and just went to Sweet Surprise.  According to Forrest Wilson here, Sweet Surprise got it’s name because Dale Sweet discovered it, even after it had been missed by other explorers.

To get there, simply scooter in on a stage until about p2100 and then look for a tunnel that looks like it “goes”.  The jump line is cut pretty far back here.  We made it back to the first T, which is the turtle tunnel and takes you to Mainland.  Due to recent rains and flooding, viability was poor for the Devils system.

Jug Hole at Ichetucknee Springs- Short but beautiful cave

Met with Michael Gibby and Jeff Marchand to drive out to Ichetucknee Springs State Park and drive the Jug Hole Cave.  This cave system requires a side mount entry, but is fairly large once you’re in, with two rooms that really stand out.  I dove side mount since this cave requires it, but I certainly don’t like it.

Ginnie Springs – Scooter to the White Room & Wonder Tunnel (yes, I’m that lazy)

Met with Jeff around 9pm after I got off work and had to fight Orlando traffic.  Once we got signed in it was off to the Devil’s pavilion to get geared up.  As soon as we got in the water Jeff’s UV26 had the prop spin off because the clutch had cracked.  Since we knew this dive was easy to do within overall 1/3rds, I just towed him to the Wonder Tunnel/White Room to save time and energy.  Took some video on this dive since I haven’t been doing that for the blog recently.

Swimming from the Bone Line to the White Room

Heading towards the White Room in Ginnie Springs from James Garrett on Vimeo.

Barrel Roll Practice-

Scootering fun near the park bench from James Garrett on Vimeo.

Why I have zero tolerance for politicians who do not support the 2nd amendment

I typically do not post political things on my blog, but this is something I support everyone watching.  Those of you that know me, know that I believe illegal gun activity should come with the harshest penalties available under the law.  Furthermore, you know that my conscience would never allow me to vote for a politician who removes any form of an individuals constitutional rights, and I encourage everyone to take advantage of the rights that so many have died to defend.

This is by far the scariest YouTube video I’ve ever watched, but it proves a point.  We all have the right to vote, please do the right thing, give law abiding citizens who obtain a gun according to their local, state, and federal laws the right to defend themselves.  Use your rights.  If you own a gun, set an example, follow all laws and gun safety practices at all times!

**Warning, the audio transcript of a murder is in this video**

Rolex 24 Hours at Daytona International Speedway

Today I got to experience my first Rolex 24 hours…actually my first time going to the Daytona International Speedway at all.  We had went yesterday to pickup sponsor passes from TRG Motorsports, a team who’s website we build.  The day started off rainy, and I was amazed at how well these cars ran in the rain, still approaching turns at over 100mph!  After about 20 laps however, the rain had slowed, the track was drying, and the cars started to come into the pits to get slicks put on.  It’s quite interesting to watch a race like this, it’s more like one big party compared to events I had been to before, such as Gatornationals.

Visiting the Washington Monument

After my last trip to DC several months ago where I couldn’t get tickets to go up in the monument, I learned to arrive early if you want to get to go up in the monument, so we arrived around 9am and were able to get tickets quickly.  We were a bit worried about the wind, as it was so strong that it blew my camera bag even with several items in there, and the tickets state that high winds can cancel tours.  The monument is currently closed to take the steps down, but the elevator stops and allows you to see out of it to view each of the 50 state’s stones.

Uploading old email to new IMAP account…the fast way!

I nearly titled this “Uploading old email to new IMAP account…the easy way!”, but I’m afraid it might not be “easy” to those of you who haven’t had much experience using command line based programs.  I certainly prefer the GUI, but after hours of trying to get Thunderbird to upload the email, I gave up.  The task before me was to upload about 19,000 emails from my boss’s old computer to our new email server hosted with RackSpace Apps.  Most of the commands here can be used to import email into RackSpace Apps with very little change, but can also be adapted to import email into gmail as well.

Step 1 – Download this email upload python script from sourgeforce and download ActivePython.  ActivePython is a bit easier to install than the default Python because it automatically configures the command line stuff, which is why I recommend it in this tutorial.

Step 2- Extract the .zip file.  Make sure to copy the file path as seen in the screen shot, this will make the next command line steps easier.

Step 3- Open a command prompt.  Go to Start->run and type “cmd” then click OK.

Step 5 – Navigate to the folder the python script is in.  You can do this by typing “cd ” (include a space) and then right clicking and pasting the file path you copied back in step 2.

Step 6 – Locate your MBOX file and copy it into the python script directory.  You can leave it where it’s at (obviously), but I’m writing this to be as easy as possible.  Click here for directions finding your Thunderbird mbox file.

Step 7 – Run the following Python command, replacing “” with the address of your IMAP server and then enter your username and password when it asks.   It took 5 or 10 minutes to get past the “Counting the mailbox” screen for me.  Takes a while longer to finish the upload, especially if you’re like me and have almost 2GB of email you have to upload.

  • python –host –port 993 –ssl –box imported inbox.mbox

Formatting Phone Number and Fixing User Input With PHP

Recently I was writing a franchise module for a shopping cart software that required franchise owners to input their phone number.  I’ve ran into the problem where no matter what instructions I’ve given, the franchise owners consistently like to format the phone number in their own unique way.  Rather than add 3 text boxes to where they have to tab between every part of the phone number, I wrote a quick and easy php script to handle all the leg work for me!

//Input example
//Output examples
//formatPhoneNum($phone_number, 1) outputs (999) 999-9999
// Inputting 999-9999 would cause the function to return “False”
function formatPhoneNum($phone_number, $style){
// Style 1 – (999) 999-9999
// Style 2 – 999-999-9999
// Style 3 – 999.999.9999
// Style 4 – 9999999999
$number = str_replace(array(‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘-‘, ‘ ‘), ”, $phone_number);
if (strlen($number) == 10){
$area = substr($number, 0, 3);
$first = substr($number, 3, 3);
$last = substr($number, 6);

case 1:
return “($area) $first-$last”;
case 2:
return “$area-$first-$last”;
case 3:
return “$area.$first.$last”;
case 4:
return “$area$first$last”;
// if the phone number was too long or too short
else {
return false;